It will ask you what versions of wxWidgets and the ASIO SDK you want to use and what commit or tag of Audacity you want to build. A new folder called Volume will be created and when the process completes successfully there should appear a file named in there. This contains you Audacity with ASIO support. It will ask you what versions of wxWidgets and the ASIO SDK you want to use and what commit or tag of Audacity you want to build. A new folder called Volume will be created and when the process completes successfully there should appear a file named
A personal tool and experiment in using web technologies to support music learning and remote lessons. MusicPracticeTools is a blog with extended interactive tools
Easy-build Audacity with ASIO support
Due to licensing limitations the Audacity Team cannot publish a version with Windows ASIO drivers. While many people want this version they may not have the technical skills needed to build it themselves. We have developed a script and simple instructions that make it easy for anyone to create their own Audacity with ASIO.
W3C Coga
Steve has joined the W3C staff to help work on the representation of Cognitive Accessibility requirements in standards such as WCGA and supporting W3C documents. This involves working with the various Work Groups, Task Forces and Communities involved in this important and topical work. More recently, Steve has been supporting the WAI website build and deployment.
Audacity Asio Support
Mulberry Symbols
Latency Issue |
Garry Paxton created the Mulberry Symbol set for people who use symbols to communicate with others, often via printed images on a board or an electronic AAC device. The symbols were developed to overcome the expensive licence fees of existing proprietary sets and to allow them to be used in innovate ways online. They feature unusual images aimed at adults. Garry assigned copyright over to Steve Lee who is maintaining the symbols and website. We have already collaborated with the open source cboard which uses the symbols and hope to see more uses, including the Global Symbol Dictionary.